Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
216: Miltydraft and Invitational Hype
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Our special event, the Invitational Tournament, is upon us and before the games begin we wanted to go over the draft structure we'll be using. We're taking an existing community draft procedure called Miltydraft and making some slight modifications. So before we talk about our version, it's important to set the stage by going over the basics of why Miltydraft is so popular!
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
To learn more about our Discord, Twitter, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
215: Preliminary Guide to Winnu and Clan of Saar
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
What a world we're in. This time last year, if we'd packaged the Winnu and Clan of Saar into an episode together, it would have been to showcase the two polar opposites of Twilight Imperium. But now, the two sing some similar songs and often times feel like sides of the same coin. Winnu has risen to be quite the powerhouse, and Clan of Saar has kept up the pace just fine. So, how do these two factions operate these days and what strategies are we trying out in this post-PoK landscape? Let's dive in.
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
To learn more about our Discord, Twitter, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
214: Improvise a Twilight Imperium Scenario
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
War were declared. For the second month in a row, the Galactic Council has gone rogue and tied our two poll options. So, for this month, we're just doing one of them and I guess we'll do the other later or something. So for now, here's Matt and Hunter improvising a scenario mode for Twilight Imperium, a la Alliance mode or the Shard of the Throne scenario from TI3. Is it chaotic? Yes. Is it playable? I make no promises. We also cheat a little and talk about an additional scenario we intend to do for this year's Holiday Spectacular!
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
To learn more about our Discord, Twitter, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
213: Fireside Chats with Bott Bott
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Hunter is moving back to Portland this week, which meant something fun to squeeze in while he's gone. What better than returning to everyone's favorite interview series Fireside Chats with Root (Alec). This one gets extra confusing because Root sat down with a major member of the Root board game community, Bott Bott, to pick his brain about all things Twilight Imperium, Root, and Oath (and also Pax games, Lord of the Rings Risk, Stratego, you name it! This is a delightful discussion with a focus on board game Entanglement and various tournament scenes. Sit back and enjoy!
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
To learn more about our Discord, Twitter, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Old Gamer‘s Almanac: Episode 3 - Mass Effect 1
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Here lies a wonderful example of our new project! We're so excited to announce the launch of our new show, The Old Gamer's Almanac, the definitive ranking of all video games ever, one week at a time. We're throwing this one your way so you get a feel for how we hope the rest of the show plays out, but don't hesitate to pause this and head over to the Old Gamer's Almanac podcast feed and listen to all three episodes now!
Music by nightcorey. https://soundcloud.com/nightcorey
Email us your thoughts on the ongoing list at oldgamersalmanac (at) gmail(dot)com. Or come talk to us on our main Discord (Space Cats Peace Turtles).
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Old Gamer‘s Almanac Trailer
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Oh Look! A new podcast has been spotted! As we teased recently, we are starting another show!
Old Gamer's Almanac is the definitive ranking of all video games ever, one week at a time. We know how much this audience likes lists, and we've made the lifelong commitment to playing every video game that exists in order to accurately rank them. If the video game industry would just stop for a bit while we catch up, that would make it a lot easier.
Please subscribe to the new show by going to https://oldgamersalmanac.podbean.com/ or finding Old Gamer's Almanac in your podcast app of choice! The first episodes launch Sep 21, 2021! Some aggregators take more time to populate new shows than others, so please give us a bit of time for some of the rollouts, but let us know if the show isn't popping up on your app of choice and we'll try to help out!
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
212: Oath So Far
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Hunter is about to move away, and we wanted to take the time to reminisce on the ongoing game of Oath we've been able to play while in the same region. We break down our thoughts about the strategy and our game's specific evolving story.Before that is some errata for our episode on Agendas, as well as a very special announcement regarding a new show we've been working on! Stick around next week for the premiere of Old Gamer's Almanac!
8:47 - Twilight Imperium Talk21:17 - Oath Talk
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
To learn more about our Discord, Twitter, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
211: PoK Agendas and Invitational Announcement
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
It feels like ages since we’ve had a proper episode in which we just sit and read every card. Our original Agendas episode was among our longest episodes, and was one of our first component focused episodes. But a lot has been learned and a lot has changed since then, so we figured it was time to revisit the topic of Agendas.
Additionally, we get to announce our next big project! We’re going to be holding an Invitational Tournament in October, comprised of 36 players from the previous 3 years of our Patreon tournament! It’s a fun celebration of many players we’ve seen before, and it’s a fun chance to introduce a possible new drafting system! Who knows, it might be what we use in next year’s Patreon Tournament!
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
To learn more about our Discord, Twitter, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
210: Preliminary Guide to Yin Brotherhood and Nekro Virus
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
This week, we're tearing through a couple more factions as we try to lay some framework to better understand how the base game factions have changed since Prophecy of Kings released. How far have the Yin fallen? How high have the Nekro risen? Whose ground forces are best? Hint: it's not the faction that it SHOULD be...
0:00 - Yin Brotherhood
52:59 - Nekro Virus
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
To learn more about our Discord, Twitter, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
209: Preliminary Guide to Barony of Letnev and Naalu Collective
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
We're finally able to dive into the future of Faction Guides, and this is what we have to start with. This won't be exhaustive, but it's a first pass to see where the base game factions are falling in the grander scheme of PoK. Consider these opening ideas that lay the framework for future, more thorough guides about specific strategies within each faction. Up first, the underrated Barony of Letnev and the nosedive into irrelevancy that is the Naalu Collective!
0:00 - Barony of Letnev
40:16 - Naalu Collective
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
To learn more about our Discord, Twitter, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/