Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
331: 2023 Holiday Spectacular
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
This episode is a particularly stupid energy coming right off the back of our Holiday Spectacular stream that featured hot "wings" and cool kids. Thanks for a wonderful year everyone, we love each of you individually.
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
Additional Music and Sounds by Brian Kupillas. https://wanderinglake.bandcamp.com/
To learn more about our Discord, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
It's that time of year again! These Twilight Imperium factions have been out here all year running amok and making us look stupid because last year we did a really good faction ranking but you all played wrong. So we've adjusted some numbers and let you all contribute as little as we could possibly allow and now we have the true Definitive Ranking of all faction in the game. This time we mean it!
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
Additional Music and Sounds by Brian Kupillas. https://wanderinglake.bandcamp.com/
To learn more about our Discord, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
329: Hunter’s Journey Through the Qualifiers
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Hunter has been playing in this year's Patreon Tournament Qualifiers since October. He's had about a half dozen games and he's finally made it through to the Prelims! It's good timing, because we always had this week's episode slated as his chance to talk about his experience, whether he'd made it or not! So what is it like to play in your own tournament? Do people treat you differently? Probably not, right?
For TI tutorials in Italian, find Il Cap Games, mentioned in the show, at https://youtu.be/osCe7-lbblU?si=JymbjbWaUMDF0w89
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
Additional Music and Sounds by Brian Kupillas. https://wanderinglake.bandcamp.com/
To learn more about our Discord, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
328: Super Federation of Sol Guide
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Who needs this? Well hopefully, you're someone relatively new to Twilight Imperium and a friend of yours has suggested you play Federation of Sol and you're looking to jumpstart your winrate. If so, welcome. You've made an excellent choice of faction because Sol is really good and we're here to explain why. Hopefully, you come out of this with ways to consistently do well! Also we love you.
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
Additional Music and Sounds by Brian Kupillas. https://wanderinglake.bandcamp.com/
To learn more about our Discord, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
327: Empire Falling with Robbie MacNiven
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
A new series of Twilight Imperium books is right around the corner! Empire Falling, the first of the new trilogy by Robbie MacNiven releases December 5th and we were lucky enough to get Robbie on to discuss writing for established universes, historical fiction, and which TI faction is the most Scottish!
Interview starts at 22:30
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
Additional Music and Sounds by Brian Kupillas. https://wanderinglake.bandcamp.com/
To learn more about our Discord, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
326: Super Ghosts of Creuss Guide
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Matt's back in action! His last guide was for a fast faction that doesn't always have a way to close out games. This time, to shake things up, he's going with a fast faction that doesn't always have a way to close out games! It's the Ghosts of Creuss and actually they're maybe a little bit better than Cabal but that's just because you get more blue tech, probably...
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
Additional Music and Sounds by Brian Kupillas. https://wanderinglake.bandcamp.com/
To learn more about our Discord, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
325: The Commentators of Twilight Imperium
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
We're about halfway through this years Qualifiers in the tournament and it seemed high time we celebrate the people that make the tournament a pleasurable viewing experience! Over the years, more and more amazing folks have taken on the task of streaming games of Twilight Imperium and it takes such an immense amount of effort that there's honestly not enough praise we could heap upon them. So for now, here are their delightful voices to brighten your day...
20:13 BigAlCupaChino (https://www.twitch.tv/bigalcupachino)
33:12 Rand (https://www.twitch.tv/tijunkies)
49:36 clawforce (https://www.twitch.tv/clawforce)
1:03:58 EJ (https://twitch.tv/uvula9000)
1:16:54 Duke LukeM (https://www.twitch.tv/dukelukem_ti)
1:26:30 Elspeth (https://www.twitch.tv/jeolircam)
1:35:34 Karnal (https://www.twitch.tv/karnal313)
1:57:29 Jasper (https://www.twitch.tv/jasperti4)
2:07:41 Root (https://www.twitch.tv/root711)
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
Additional Music and Sounds by Brian Kupillas. https://wanderinglake.bandcamp.com/
To learn more about our Discord, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
324: System Tile Tier List
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
You are not prepared for this one. We have 82 system tiles in Twilight Imperium. In theory, the visuals matter quite a lot for this discussion or would at least make this go a lot faster...but then again why should it be easy? What follows is a 2 hour decent into madness to try and sort all of the system tiles into tiers. What do those tiers signify? Who knows? Is there any consistency to the sorting? Who cares? You asked for this...
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
Additional Music and Sounds by Brian Kupillas. https://wanderinglake.bandcamp.com/
To learn more about our Discord, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
323: Super Nekro Virus Guide
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
We're back on that old grind. We've done "Super Guides" as our way of revisiting base game factions post-PoK, but up until this point it has also been a mark of a faction that received new components via a Codex. But from here on out, it's all faction untouched since the introduction of PoK. That doesn't mean there's nothing to say, of course! And one of the bigger factions to tackle when it comes to strange exceptions to rules and weird ways to get lost is the Nekro Virus. You could compare this faction to an old taped together hunk of junk if it wasn't so good at punching you in the face and winning games. Let's break down why (and just ignore those tournament statistics, okay?)
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
Additional Music and Sounds by Brian Kupillas. https://wanderinglake.bandcamp.com/
To learn more about our Discord, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
322: TI Zero Edition First Update
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
The Homebrewer's Guild has been hard at work on a big project. The work has been largely philosophical up until this point and it was finally time to lay track down before we design this train. So today, we'd like to catch you all up to speed on the project known as Twilight Imperium Zero Edition. This is intended to be our fun modification to Twilight Imperium and act as a stripped down, simpler version of Twilight Imperium. Exactly what form that takes will be a longer process, but for now we can talk about some of the things we want to see.
In addition to talking design goals, we decide to make a Prophecy of Kings compliant faction design for the Lazax Empire so that we have something to work backwards from once we decide to design them as a faction in Zero Edition.
Music provided by Ben Prunty. Find more at benpruntymusic.com or benprunty.bandcamp.com
Additional Music and Sounds by Brian Kupillas. https://wanderinglake.bandcamp.com/
To learn more about our Discord, Patreon, Merch, and more, visit https://spacecatspeaceturtles.com/